Cash giving remains the most used and the most feasible giving method. Matching Gift — Many businesses and corporations have a policy in which they will match or partially match an employee’s cash donation.
Appreciated Securities
Millions of Americans own securities. If consideration is being given to making a gift of stocks, bonds, money market or mutual funds, they are easy to transfer and currently offer favorable tax benefits.
Tangible Personal Property
Donated personal property in the form of books, equipment, furnishings, etc., are an excellent gift opportunity for the donor and of great benefit to the school. These “gift-in-kind” investments are always welcome.
All schools today face rising costs for faculty salaries, scholarship aid, equipment and energy needs, to name a few. A gift through a will can help St. Mary’s meet these needs for the future.
Most memorial gifts are in the form of cash; however, gifts of property, securities and more substantial memorial bequests are also encouraged. Gifts may be made to the general fund or a named memorial fund.
Alumni Memorial Fund
Contributions to this fund are used for student financial aid.